Being ‘Dependent’
If you are under 22 and cannot prove you are ‘Independent’ for Centrelink purposes (see the SRC's information on Independence & Centrelink Payments) Centrelink will consider you ‘dependent’ on your parents. They will assess your parental income in the last financial year, through the Parental Means Test.
NOTE: Centrelink will NOT look at parental income if parent receives a designated income support payment (Family Actual Means Test may still apply), compensation or ABSTUDY (certain circumstances only) or holds a Low Income Health Care Card.
Rates of Dependent Youth Allowance
Dependent Youth Allowance rate: $ 455.20 per fortnight (maximum, Dec 2024).
Dependent ‘Away from Home’ rate: $639.00 per fortnight (maximum, Dec 2024).
To get the Away From Home rate you must meet the criteria in this leaflet AND have to move from your family home in order to attend University because it is more than 90 minutes away by public transport.
Criteria: Parental Income Test
Income can include combined parental taxable income, income from overseas, adjusted fringe benefits, maintenance payments from a former partner and net passive business losses. If combined parental income is less than $62,634 a year, you can receive the full payment (assuming no deductions for your part-time work). Each dollar of a higher amount will reduce the payment by 20 cents. For example, if your combined parental income is $63,134 per year, your payment will reduce by $100 (500 x 20 cents). If you have siblings who also received a payment that is subjected to the parental income test (e.g., Youth Allowance or Family Tax Benefit), the reduction is shared across each student’s payment. For example, if you and your sister were both getting Youth Allowance the 20 cent reduction becomes a 10 cent reduction per dollar over $62,634.
What income does Centrelink look at?
Centrelink will look at your parental income in the tax year before the current calendar year. Centrelink will look at your parental taxable income, ‘adjusted’ fringe benefits, foreign income, maintenance payment from a former partner and ‘passive business loss’. If a tax assessment is not available a ‘reasonable’ estimate can be accepted by Centrelink.
Changes to income
If your parental income in the current tax year is ‘substantially less’ (perhaps by 25%), Centrelink may use your estimate for the current tax year. The drop in income needs to be likely to continue for 2 years (e.g. because of retirement, although you need to include retirement benefits in calculating income.) If your parental income in the current tax year increases and exceeds 125% of their previous tax year then, for October, November and December, your payments are calculated using the higher income. Take care when estimating to avoid any overpayment. If you have a sibling who is a dependent student and they stop being a student or change their payment you need to tell Centrelink as those changes effect the income test calculations for you.
Separated parents
If your parents are separated you are only considered ‘dependent’ on the parent, plus any new partner they may have, that you live with. If you don’t live with either parent, Centrelink ordinarily assesses the parent you last lived with. Centrelink includes received maintenance payments as income, while any maintenance paid for a child living with a former partner reduces income. If Centrelink assesses both your parent’s income you should appeal. You may also be able to appeal if you think Centrelink should not include your parent’s partner’s income.
How does parental income affect how much I receive?
If you are dependent your payment will now be affected by only one test - either the Parental Income Test or the Personal Income Test. Only the income test which has the greatest effect will be used to work out any reductions in your fortnightly payment. Changes in your personal income can change which test is used each fortnight.
Contact a Caseworker
If you need more advice about your specific situation, contact an SRC Caseworker by completing the contact form (below)
Caseworker Contact Form
This information does not constitute legal advice. Seek qualified professional advice before making decisions about educational, financial, migration or legal matters. This information can change from time to time. Check for the most up-to-date information. Do not accept verbal advice by itself from any source including Centrelink. Get a decision in writing and ask for a receipt number for any telephone or in person conversation. Without this subsequent appeals or backdating are at risk.
Information updated on 01/07/23