SRC solicitors provide undergraduate students at the University of Sydney with FREE legal advice, representation in court where relevant, and a referral service. We can assist you with a wide range of legal issues such as:
- Police & court matters
- Traffic, transport offences and fines
- Employment law
- Consumer rights
- NCAT matters
- Witness / certify documents & more...
For Family law and property matters we can refer you to solicitors who charge at a fair rate.
For Immigration and Visa Advice
The SRC is not able to provide visa advice at this time. However there are two options you can try. The first is to use this step by step guide to find a registered agent who can provide you with advice. Their services are unlikely to be provided for free, so please check what fees they charge before engaging their services. Alternatively you could contact IARC to see if they can provide you with free advice about your situation."
Links are:
To access the SRC Legal Service:
Undergraduate students: phone: 02 9660 5222 (International calls, phone: +61 2 9660 5222)
Postgraduate students: contact the Sydney University Post Graduate Representative Association: SUPRA
Need to have a document witnessed or certified?
Find a Justice of the Peace:
Useful Links:
Accommodation Share Housing Agreement Template (PDF)
Accommodation/Tenancy Law Facts Sheet (DOC)
Employment Law Guidelines (PDF)
For privacy rights information for young people, by the Australian Government please click here
Disclaimer: When completing your matter, we are required to take into account i) The limitations of SRC Legal Service resources ii) The provision of the Uniform Legal Profession Act that requires we do not pursue matters that do not have reasonable prospects of success. iii) Due to (i) we may expect you to complete tasks you are capable of for your matter. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.