SRC Welcome Handbook & Counter Course Handbooks
Welcome to your radical guide of the University of Sydney. This handbook gives you an overview of the messy administration burden that is USyd, and the challenges you might face throughout your degree. We also introduce you the history of activism on campus, and ways that you can get involved today by connecting with the USyd Education Action Group. This publication is written and produced by office bearers, staff and friends of the SRC, the organisation that funds student activism, a free casework and legal service and much more. Happy reading!
SRC Welcome Handbook
Counter Course Handbook
Growing Strong Women's Handbook
The Sydney Uni Women's Collective remains committed to radical feminist education and organising whether that be learning how to respond to crises in our communities without police and prisons, global feminist histories, or anti-capitalist futures. Our deepest gratitude to the editors, writers and artists who pulled this edition together over the summer.
Read Growing Strong online
Combust 2025 - Environment Collective Zine
Welcome to Combust! This is an annual magazine written, edited, designed and produced by members of the USYD Enviro Collective. Combust serves as a way for the collective to reach those who we can’t reach through our regular meetings and activism. We hope to inspire as well as collectively facilitate the education of the student body on the topic of radical environmentalism.
Read Combust online