Training Sessions

Training & Induction sessions for the 97th SRC

Congratulations on being elected to a position at the SRC. To prepare you for your term as Office Bearer, Rep, DSP or Honi Editor, you will be required to attend compulsory training and induction session(s) depending on your role. All sessions will take place in the week 25th–28th November 2024.

To confirm your attendance please check your email and respond to the calendar invites that have been sent to you.

Executive Induction

Compulsory training for all SRC Executive Members

When: Monday 25th November  Time: 10am – 12:30pm
Where: SRC Office - Level 1 Wentworth Building
Who: All SRC Executive
Before attending: Please read the 2025 Induction Handbook

Media Law Training

Compulsory for all Honi Soit Editors, DSPs, President & Vice President

When: Monday 25th November  Time: 1:30–4pm
Where: Meet at the SRC Office, walk to New Law Annex Seminar Room 105
Who: All Honi Editors, All DSPs, President & Vice President.

Before attending: Please read the following information:
Defamation Fact Sheet | Contempt of Court Fact Sheet | Copyright Explained | Video Resource (limited access)

General SRC Induction

Compulsory training for all SRC Office Bearers, Council Reps, Honi Soit Editors and DSPs

When: Tuesday 26th November  Time: 10am – 3:30pm
Where: ABS Seminar Room 2050 (H70.02.2050)
Who: All SRC Office Bearers, All SRC Councillors, DSPs and Honi Soit Editors
Before attending: Please read the 2025 Induction Handbook

Handbook Editor Publications Training

Compulsory training for editors of the Welcome Week / CounterCourse Handbook, and the Growing Strong Women's Handbook.

When: Wednesday 27th November  Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm
Where: Education (A35) Mac Lab 224 (or meet at the SRC at 9am to walk to the Mac Lab)
Who: SRC General Secretary, Vice President, Education OBs, Women's OB's

Before attending: please read the following SRC Media & Publications Guide and ensure you have completed the Introduction to Adobe InDesign tutorials on page 5 and fill out the Adobe Subscription Application form prior to attending.

Training files: Training Dropbox

Honi Soit Editor Publications Training

Compulsory training for all Honi Soit Editors

InDesign, Photoshop, Wordpress & Print Production
When: Thursday 28th November Time: 10am – 3pm
Where: Education (A35) Mac Lab 224.
Who: All Honi Editors
Before attending: Please read the following SRC Media & Publications Guide and ensure you've completed the Introduction to Adobe InDesign tutorials on page 5 and fill out the Adobe Subscription Application form prior to attending.

Canva Pro

SRC Office Bearers have access to Canva Pro to create posters, leaflets, zines, social media graphics and videos for your campaigns. You will gain access on December 1st upon receipt of your SRC email addresses, which Canva Pro accounts are linked to.

  • SRC Office Bearers to access Canva Pro accounts via SRC emails (e.g. New OB's can change passwords via SRC emails
  • For a quick start on how to use Canva watch this Canva Pro Tutorial Video

If you need help with Canva or would like to book a one hour training session, please get in touch with Amanda or Mickie via

Have a look at your representation


  • Autonomous Collective Against Racism (ACAR)

    ACAR is an autonomous space that organises around issues relating to people of colour, in activist and educational ways from a student perspective.

    Autonomous Collective Against Racism (ACAR)
  • Disabilities Collective and Caregivers Network

    The University of Sydney Disabilities Collective is an autonomous collective of the University of Sydney Students' Representative Council (SRC).

    Disabilities Collective and Caregivers Network
  • Education Action Group (EAG)

    The Sydney University Education Action Group (EAG) campaigns on education issues including fighting for free education and stopping course cuts.

    Education Action Group (EAG)
  • Enviro Collective

    The Enviro Collective, is the official environmental group of the SRC.

    Enviro Collective
  • First Nations Department

    We are a dedicated group of First Nations activists and allies at the University of Sydney.

    First Nations Department
  • Global Solidarity
    Global Solidarity
  • Intercampus
  • Interfaith
  • International Students Collective

    The International Students Collective (ISC) is a SRC Collective that exists to represent and organise around the interests of international students.

    International Students Collective
  • Mature age students
    Mature age students
Stay connected to the SRC

Keep up-to-date with everything going on within your Students' Representative Council and beyond!

Level 1, Wentworth Building G01,
University of Sydney,
174 City Road, Darlington NSW 2008
Phone: 02 9660 5222
Phone & online contact hours: Monday–Friday | 9am–5pm Office opening hours: Tuesday–Thursday | 9am–5pm* *excluding public holidays, May Day (May 1st) and the University Christmas Closure Period

ABN: 59 739 130 668

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