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Vacancy: USyd SRC First Nations Officer

Nominate to be the SRC's First Nations Officer in 2023.

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Vacancy: First Nations Officer, 95th SRC

Requirements: The position is autonomous and the SRC regulations specify that ‘only students of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background shall nominate.’ Between 1 and 4 students can submit individual nominations for the position.

How to apply?

The 95th SRC strongly encourages any students who are eligible and interested in the position to nominate using the following form: 

If you would prefer a physical nomination form, you can pick one up at the SRC Office in the Wentworth Building Tuesday to Thursday from 9am-5pm. The election for this position will take place at the first meeting of the 95th SRC on February 1st.

If you have any questions about the position, please email Lia Perkins 

The SRC sits on stolen Gadigal land. Sovereignty has never been ceded and this land was, is and always will be Aboriginal land. We would like to extend our respect to all First Nations students at the University of Sydney, and all of those affected by the colonisation, a system USyd is complicit in.

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Level 1, Wentworth Building G01,
University of Sydney,
174 City Road, Darlington NSW 2008
Phone: 02 9660 5222
Phone & online contact hours: Monday–Friday | 9am–5pm Office opening hours: Tuesday–Thursday | 9am–5pm* *excluding public holidays, May Day (May 1st) and the University Christmas Closure Period

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