Palestine & Gaza Solidarity Campaign

Collective image

Sydney University Student Gaza Solidarity campaign.

Students continue to call on Sydney University and the Australian government to break ties with Israel and end their complicity in genocide, by:

1. Cutting research and financial ties with weapons manufacturers (Thales, Lockheed Martin and many more)
2. Cutting ties with Israeli universities and institutions

STUDENT GENERAL MEETING - 5pm, August 7th, Eastern Avenue Auditorium (venue TBC)

After receiving over 200 Sydney University student signatures, a Student General Meeting has now been called for 5pm Wednesday 7th August 2024, Eastern Avenue Auditorium (venue TBC). We call on all Sydney Uni students to attend.

Read the Meeting Notice and motions to be voted on here

Please fill out this form to indicate your intention to attend the Student General Meeting

To get involved and help with the SGM, get in contact with the SRC via :

Keep up to date with the latest updates and to support the campaign

Students for Palestine Sydney Uni

Students for Palestine Sydney Uni is the student coalition organising group for the Sydney Uni encampment. You can find how to get involved, get updates on what's on each day, upcoming events, teach-ins at the encampment and the next Rallies and actions via their social media.

Instagram | Facebook | Gaza Student Encampment sign-up form

Student Media - Latest Honi Soit reports on the encampment movement
1. The students, united, will never be defeated
2. Staff and students rally for USyd to “cut ties with genocide"
3. Gaza solidarity encampment organisers meet with University management

BDS Youth Australia - BDS - Boycott. Divest. Sanction. Israel and Genocide!

BDS Youth asks staff, students and alumni of Sydney Univerity to Send an email to Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson, Vice Chancellor Mark Scott, Professor Annamarie Jagose, University management and members of the University Senate to uphold University of Sydney academic values and support the students' calls for ending any partnership with Israeli institutions complicit in human rights violations in Palestine and to cut ties with arms manufacturers.

BDS Youth campaign links | BDS Youth Instagram

ACAR - Autonomous Collective Against Racism

ACAR is the student activist collective convened by the SRC Ethno-Cultural Office Bearers: Rav Grewal, Sidra Ghanawi
email: | Instagram | Facebook


Campaign Reports

Statements from Student meetings with University Management about divestment from Israel and arms manufacturing

April 2024 - Usyd Students set up Gaza Solidarity encampment on Quad Lawns

May 24th Meeting - Statement on the first meeting with Sydney University Management from the USYD Students Representative Council - Disclose! Divest! We will not stop, We will not rest!

2nd June Meeting - Statement on the 2nd meeting with Sydney University Management from the USYD Students Representative Council - Disclose! Divest! We will not stop, We will not rest! 

Monday 16th June - Statement The University Shuts Down the Gaza Solidarity Encampment - The Struggle for Palestine Continues!

Stay connected to the SRC

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Level 1, Wentworth Building G01,
University of Sydney,
174 City Road, Darlington NSW 2008
Phone: 02 9660 5222
Phone & online contact hours: Monday–Friday | 9am–5pm Office opening hours: Tuesday–Thursday | 9am–5pm* *excluding public holidays, May Day (May 1st) and the University Christmas Closure Period

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